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Different Types of CRM Software & Tools

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crm customer relationship management

How Is CRM Software Useful?

Customer relationship management (CRM) systems can be extremely useful to both small and large businesses where customer management is concerned. The system allows the company to better serve clients and customers, as well as potential clients/customers, by putting together information from different departments of the company and presenting them in a cohesive manner.

There are different kinds of CRM systems & software solutions available to companies. Here is a brief explanation of each.

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Types of CRM

There are different kinds of CRM systems & software solutions available to companies. Here is a brief explanation of each.


This kind of CRM system focuses on using software applications that help incorporate the various sets of information available on each customer into one useful file. For example, it will bring together a client’s contact information, purchase history, and any previous communication they have had with the company on one web page so that the employee can provide them with rapid service and response. This kind of CRM software solution provides a support center to the sales, marketing and customer service departments. It can also be used to help the next type of CRM system, Sales Force Automation.

Sales Force Automation

This CRM system will keep a record of every stage of the sales process, helping employees automate activities like making reports, and scheduling calls and mailings.


Analytical systems will look into customer data from an analytical angle to better come up with sales and marketing strategies that can be effective for future sales. They will look at data from all the different databases, and then by using techniques like data mining, will come up with patterns and trends. This allows the company to look at the data from a wider angle, allowing for better creation of long-term strategies for sales and customer management.


Collaborative systems focus on integrating external contacts – like vendors and distributors – and providing data to its customers through an extranet. This allows the customers to be proactive about improving the service they get from the company, by providing them with a support center, new tools, and technologies like instant messaging.

Campaign Management

This is a combination of Analytical and Operational systems as it can store, analyze and track the various campaigns the company has. It can also be effective in targeting specific types of customers by sending emails, calling them or sending them marketing emails with special offers.

Sales Intelligence

This is similar to an Analytical system but is used as a sales tool for employees who can look at trends and sales performance.

Summing Up…

Different kinds of CRM systems provide different advantages to the company. Before you buy and implement a system, it is important to look at the long-term strategy you have for your company and the services you wish to be able to provide to your customers. This is important to make sure that the kind of CRM software solutions you select is the best option for maximizing your sales volume and boosting your business.

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