Best Project Management Software by Country

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During this series, we’ve discovered similarities and differences in business cultures around the world, and noted things to take into account when collaborating with foreign colleagues. Here is a summary of things Project Managers should keep in mind when leading international teams.

  1. Argentina – Argentines are sophisticated, educated, conservative and value family highly. Argentina’s metropolitan areas have experienced technological advancement, but access is limited in rural areas.
  2. Australia – Australians are easy-going, friendly and value humility and fairness. Australia supports cloud-computing efforts, and seeks global collaboration, but data retention obligations inhibit cyber-crime and security advancements.
  3. Austria – Austrians are modern, cultured, and formal. Austrian companies are working toward legal and security improvements, which will affect cloud computing services.
  4. Belgium – Belgians are hardworking, conservative, and family-oriented. Belgium has a well-developed IT infrastructure, has internet, mobile and fixed broadband users, with cloud computing usage more prevalent in the northern Flemish region.
  5. Bolivia – Bolivians are kind, and put an emphasis on family and building friendships. Bolivia is developing technologically, and their government has implemented a secure cloud platform.
  6. Brazil – Brazilians are friendly, creative and value family and education. Brazil has no privacy laws or intellectual property protections, but the country has made improvements in internet infrastructure and security.
  7. Canada – Canadians are reserved, direct, and polite. Canada has a great IT infrastructure and extensive broadband access, with improvements in cyber crime, intellectual property, and privacy legislation.
  8. Chile – Chileans are refined, well educated, and esteem family. Chile has a thriving digital economy, a strong infrastructure, and are developing cloud computing capabilities becoming a South American, technological hub.
  9. China – The Chinese are warmhearted in friendships, but approach business with Westerners as an “us vs. them ” scenario. China has made strides in IT infrastructure and cloud-computing services, but the country’s local testing mandates limit telecommunications and IT products.
  10. Colombia – Colombians are considerate, and hardworking. Colombia is improving its digital economy, increasing government effectiveness, and is a broadband access and affordability leader among South American countries, with growth opportunities in infrastructure and cloud computing capabilities.
  11. Denmark – The Danes are accomplished, well-mannered, and value building relationships. Denmark businesses have incorporated cloud computing, and the country continues to improve adding new goals to their national strategy.
  12. Ecuador – Ecuadorians are conservative, friendly and value family. Despite topographical obstacles and inadequate financial support for infrastructure, Ecuador continues to develop technologically.
  13. Finland – Finns are reliable, independent, private people. Finland has a strong digital economy, with a tech savvy population and strong workforce that energizes growth and productivity.
  14. France – The French appreciate language, cuisine, and history and value educational accomplishments. France has strong cloud service protections, and a good IT infrastructure.
  15. Germany – Germans are private, industrious people who strive for achievement in all aspects of life. Germany safeguards cloud computing services thorough cyber-crime regulations and up-to-date intellectual property protection.
  16. Greece – Greeks are disciplined, family-oriented, and hold education in high regard. While Greeks are actively using the internet, due to poor digital competency, the country has not made considerable progress in comparison to other EU countries.
  17. Hong Kong – The people of Hong Kong are modern, conservative, well educated, and value building strong relationships. This country is technologically sophisticated, and is an international data hub for its region.
  18. India – Indians are reserved, and culturally diverse. India has not kept up with cloud computing developments, and this, in addition to other issues, have negatively affected universal interoperability.
  19. Indonesia – Indonesians are respectful, loyal and esteem friends and family. Indonesia has made major IT infrastructure improvements, however, cloud service providers must register their services which hinders progress.
  20. Ireland – The Irish people are friendly, work hard, and prefer a slower pace that allows time to build relationships. Ireland has successfully converted to cloud usage, and has invested in a strong infrastructure.
  21. Italy – Italians esteem ingenuity, education and most importantly, family. Italy has a well-established IT infrastructure, satisfactory cloud computing protection and internet liability regulations.
  22. Japan – The Japanese are traditional, loyal and gracious, valuing education, hard work, and determination. Japan has cloud computing capabilities, excellent privacy and intellectual property laws, cyber crime legislation and an effective broadband system.
  23. Luxembourg – Luxembourgers value family, country distinctiveness, and are reserved but friendly. The people are progressive, with a focus on cloud computing and big data development.
  24. Malaysia – Malaysians are cordial and value cultivating personal relationships. Malaysia has up-to-date electronic commerce, signature and privacy laws that fortify their cloud computing developments.
  25. Mexico – Mexicans are class-oriented, and male chauvinism is a prominent part of Mexican culture. Internet usage is uncommon, and saturation of broadband is low, which negatively affects cloud computing capability.
  26. Netherlands – The Dutch are hardworking, well educated, and courteously straightforward. The Netherlands is a high-tech country, and it serves as one of the European digital hubs.
  27. Norway – Norwegians are kind, enjoy nature, and a simple life building authentic relationships. Norway uses the National Institute of Standards and Technology to inform cloud computing.
  28. Paraguay – Paraguayans spend a lot of time with family, and enjoy a slower pace. Paraguay has increased cloud usage, and continually upgrades the country’s infrastructure.
  29. Philippines – Filipinos honor family, are hospitable and value education. The Philippines have suffered several natural disasters, and the country is striving diligently to repair and make upgrades to their IT infrastructure with a 3-5 year period for cloud transition.
  30. Poland – Poles are honest, family-oriented, and esteem educational accomplishments. Poland has established a solid foundation for cloud computing and has intellectual property regulations including internet service provider accountability.
  31. Portugal – The Portuguese people are conservative, down-to-earth and consider family the most important aspect of life. Portugal’s broadband connectivity and corporate digital technology integration has improved, but cloud-computing usage is low.
  32. Russia – Russians are a hospitable, demonstrative people, who value personal relationships. Russia has digital economy legislation, but barriers to more successful cloud computing efforts include burdensome restrictions and internet filtering.
  33. Singapore – Singapore is a mixture of Chinese, Malay and Indian people, each having its own traditions, but successfully developing an interconnected culture. Singapore’s privacy laws protect information and enable cloud computing advancement.
  34. South Africa – South Africans are gracious and welcoming. South Africa is progressive technologically with new privacy laws and IT infrastructure upgrades.
  35. South Korea – South Koreans are polite people who are proud of their culture, and see education as a way to facilitate economic success. South Korea has a thriving digital economy with current privacy and intellectual property legislation that could support the use and expansion of cloud computing.
  36. Spain – Spaniards value modesty, integrity, and admire individuality. Spain’s current data registration process could hinder cloud-computing capabilities, but they have made great infrastructure developments.
  37. Sweden – Swedes are formal, reserved, and sincere. Sweden is influential in the global technological arena, and is among the most innovative users of cloud computing in the world.
  38. Switzerland – The Swiss are industrious, poised, and have great respect for others. Switzerland already has a quality infrastructure, and the country is working toward providing entrepreneurial training to assist new businesses.
  39. Taiwan – The Taiwanese people are humble, hardworking and value family. Taiwan hardware manufacturing is established, and the country is working toward cloud computing advancement and providing more services and resources.
  40. Thailand – Thais are unpretentious, hardworking people who cherish family and being part of a group. Thailand upgraded their IT infrastructure and intellectual property protections, but cloud computing and privacy legislation is lacking.
  41. Turkey – Turks are courteous, but ask personal questions, and stand closely during conversations. Turkey has improved their cyber-crime laws, are working to provide more high-speed access, and continue to make improvements to their infrastructure, but cloud computing progress needs improvement.
  42. United Kingdom – The United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The U.K. has widespread broadband accessibility, comprehensive cyber and data protection laws, and a strong IT infrastructure.
  43. United States – Americans are outgoing, friendly and direct, viewing time, money, and etiquette as important. The United States has e-commerce and cyber crime legislation, copyright protections, broadband accessibility, cloud usage and IT interoperability.
  44. Uruguay – Uruguayans are trusting, warm, and value education. Uruguay has affordable and accessible broadband, improved coverage, fiber optic solutions, and cloud services.
  45. Venezuela – Venezuelans are sincere, respect leadership, friends and family. Venezuela’s current economy and physical infrastructure are unstable, affecting communications via internet.
  46. Vietnam – The Vietnamese are reserved, accommodating, and value family, especially elders. Vietnam has developed cyber laws to improve the country’s digital economy and enable cloud computing, however, trade barriers may hinder advancement.

Working with foreign business partners can expand your knowledge and improve your management skills and style. Taking steps to learn about colleagues in other countries will facilitate a great experience as you lead global project teams. Visit the new Project Magazine website for great project management articles.

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