Project Kickoff Meeting Checklist: The Project Manager’s #1 Tool

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Key takeaways
  • A project kickoff checklist is a foundational document that enables a structured kickoff meeting and successful project execution by providing team members a roadmap to guide the discussion during and after the kickoff meeting.
  • A comprehensive project kickoff checklist defines the project’s objectives, scope, goals, and deliverables.
  • Project kickoff checklists typically feature an agenda of the kickoff meeting broken down by agenda item, time allocated, and any additional documents or resources for helping stakeholders understand the project.

From identifying objectives to defining project management methodology and resources, a project kickoff checklist provides a detailed look at how the team will work together to achieve project success. This guide explores every step of building and using a project kickoff checklist to help you confidently kick off your project and set the stage for success.

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What is a project kickoff meeting checklist?

The project kickoff meeting checklist is vital for establishing alignment between team members before proceeding with a project. Before the kickoff meeting, the project manager(s) and organization leaders work together to define project objectives, secure stakeholder approval, and settle other details related to the project.

During the meeting, the project kickoff meeting checklist is the focal point of the agenda. A kickoff checklist will include team introductions and a presentation or discussion of the project scope, schedule, tools, and risks. After the meeting, the project manager and team members can cite the kickoff meeting checklist for assigned responsibilities and track action items.

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How to build a project kickoff checklist

Building a project kickoff checklist requires a broad knowledge of the organization, project, and resources needed to launch the effort successfully. Before creating a checklist, projects typically start with securing formal approval from stakeholders through a project charter. This pre-kickoff preparation includes identifying and engaging key stakeholders, establishing a communication plan, and acquiring the resources needed to ensure collaboration.

A checklist requires defining the project objectives, scope, goals, and deliverables. These details are the core of the discussion during the project kickoff meeting. With the help of stakeholders, project managers often take the lead in crafting the kickoff checklist and scheduling the first meeting.

Below is a deeper dive into each step of creating, using, and reviewing a project kickoff checklist.

Pre-kickoff preparations

Defining project objectives and scope

One of the first steps in project planning is identifying a potential project and outlining the goals and expected project deliverables. This effort includes defining what’s in-scope and out-of-scope to ensure stakeholders understand what is and isn’t a part of the projected effort. The project objectives and scope serve as a high-level proof of concept for an organization’s consideration.

Approval of the project charter

What qualifies as a project charter varies by organization, but it typically includes pertinent business documents such as the project’s objectives, scope, timeline, and any contractual agreements related to the project.

By gathering data, collecting stakeholder perspectives, and holding planning meetings, project initiators can develop a project charter for consideration by the project sponsor or organization steering committee. Once approved, the project charter serves as a reference point throughout the project to align efforts and guide decision-making.

Identifying and engaging stakeholders

Identifying and engaging stakeholders might be the most crucial part of project planning as organization leadership, team members, and clients influence the approach and execution of a project. Engaging with stakeholders early and often is essential to building support and aligning expectations for project goals. With stakeholder management, project managers can foster collaboration and mitigate risk throughout the project.

Establishing a communication and resources plan

Who and what is necessary to ensure the smooth execution of the project? Here, project managers and teams will define the communication methods, channels, and expected frequency of communication for the effort. Along with a communication plan, project managers must ensure all required resources (e.g., tools, software, personnel) are available and assigned to complete the project.

Creating a project kickoff checklist

With overarching project details solidified through the project charter, stakeholders, communication, and resource plans, you have enough to create a project kickoff checklist. This document should contain a comprehensive list of pre-kickoff planning to offer stakeholders a clear understanding of the effort, including objectives, scope, roles, and resources. By utilizing a checklist, teams can establish a structured foundation for the effort and leave no detail behind.

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The kickoff meeting

Introducing team members and their roles

Break the ice and kick off the meeting right by having team members introduce themselves, their roles, and their expertise related to the project. As the team reviews project details, these team member introductions offer an idea of how the team will separate work and opportunities for collaboration.

Discussing project overview and background

Next, summarize the project, including details established in planning, such as the project objectives, scope, personnel, and resources. At this point in the meeting, the project manager should identify the problem or issue the project seeks to address. Identifying the problem ensures team members understand the context and significance of the project.

Setting timeline and milestones

Project timelines typically include multiple milestones and deadlines, during which the team can review progress or release a deliverable to clients. The project kickoff meeting should include a detailed breakdown of deliverables and deadlines to keep the project on track. Through discussion, team members can establish priorities and pacing to tackle project deadlines efficiently.

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Determining tools and methodologies needed

Lastly, the project manager should outline the tools and project management methodologies for completing the project. Depending on the industry and team function, tools are often digital resources like project management and productivity software or physical resources (e.g., office supplies and construction materials). Project management methodologies like waterfall, agile, and hybrid styles will influence workflows, collaboration, deadlines, and deliverables.

Wrapping it up with a Q&A session

Before dismissing the team, all kickoff meetings should finish with an opportunity to ask questions and discuss project details. Team members must feel comfortable expressing concerns or uncertainties to establish trust before work begins. This discussion time will ensure alignment and confidence as team members return to their usual workload or jump into project tasks.

Post-kickoff actions

Writing meeting minutes

Recording or transcribing the kickoff meeting and creating a meeting minutes document are essential for reviewing project details and decisions discussed during the first meeting. As the project proceeds, the kickoff meeting minutes and the accompanying checklist serve as a vital reference point for the team and stakeholders.

Task delegation and tracking

While the kickoff meeting is ideal for assigning tasks to team members, some items, roles, and responsibilities could still be blurry. By inspecting the kickoff meeting checklist and minutes, the project manager can catalog tasks and task owners and identify gaps that require follow-up communication. Through project management software like Asana, ClickUp, or Wrike, the team can ensure accountability by tracking and recording progress on tasks.

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Establishing checkpoints and regular updates

Establishing checkpoints — whether it’s announcements, milestones, or deadlines — will ensure continued communication and collaboration throughout the project. Depending on the project timeline, this could be weekly or daily updates or full team meetings after each milestone. Regular stakeholder communication can establish accountability for team member tasks and ensure continuous progress.

Example of a project kickoff checklist

Project kickoff checklists can take various forms, but they all share commonalities that help align teams during project kickoffs. These checklists typically feature an agenda of the kickoff meeting broken down by agenda item, time allocated, and any additional documents or resources for helping stakeholders understand the project.

Whether a physical printout for in-person teams or a digital document for remote teams, the checklist allows stakeholders to follow along and take notes while discussing project business. While each team member can take notes, it’s critical that the project manager or secretary records discussions and decisions made for an overarching document available to the entire team.

Below is an example agenda for a successful project kickoff meeting with additional notes based on items discussed during the meeting.

1 PMIntroductionsAdd Jack to team Slack channel
1:10 PMProject Overview and BackgroundShare slides with team
1:30 PMTimeline and MilestonesAdd deadlines to Asana
1:40 PMTools and MethodologiesConfirm access for team members
1:45 PMDiscussion and Q&ACheck on budget for launch event
1:55 PMNext Steps & Adjourn MeetingSend recap email by EOD

While the above is a general and broad agenda for a kickoff, project managers can be as granular as needed to familiarize team members with the project.

Examples of additional items for checklists include:


  • Group icebreaker
  • Project leadership, sponsor, and client(s)

Project Overview and Background

  • Project objectives and scope
  • Project charter and sponsor
  • Stakeholder, communication, and resource management plans

Timeline and Milestones

  • Milestone and deliverables
  • Acceptance criteria for deliverables
  • Quality control mechanisms
  • Risk management plan

Tools and Methodologies

  • Onboarding for tools
  • Technical support and assistance
  • Project management methodology

Project kickoff checklist templates

Many project management software providers come with kickoff meeting checklist templates to help project managers get started.

Confluence’s project kickoff checklist template offers project managers an effective way to properly communicate project details — particularly its goals — to all stakeholders.

Project kickoff template by Confluence.
Project kickoff template by Confluence. Source: Atlassian.

ClickUp’s project kickoff meeting template is great for beginners and is fully customizable.

Simple project kickoff meeting checklist template by ClickUp.
Simple project kickoff meeting checklist template by ClickUp.

Importance of a checklist

A project kickoff meeting checklist is essential to setting the stage for continuous communication and collaboration during a project. Without a checklist, teams risk missing important details that could impact the project’s success.

The project kickoff checklist serves as a roadmap that guides the team through the project and offers essential details. These details include objectives, roles, and milestones, which will ensure alignment and avoid the risk of missing critical tasks. Project managers can improve efficiency, establish accountability, and build confidence by creating and using a checklist.


A project kickoff meeting is the first gathering of a team, during which the project leaders share the project vision, goals, and scope. This meeting includes a breakdown of team member roles and responsibilities and a review of the team’s project management methodology, resources, and workflow expectations.

Project kickoff checklists help teams understand the project background, objectives, scope, personnel, and resources. They also offer a reference point for project details during the meeting and throughout the project.

Before a project kickoff meeting, project managers or sponsors typically define project details like objectives, scope, and stakeholders. These details are essential to proposing the project and getting approval of the project charter.

The time needed to create a project kickoff list varies based on the size and complexity of the project and the experience level of the project manager writing the checklist. While the checklist should take a few hours or less, the preparation and data needed to complete it could take days to weeks, depending on the organization and project.

A checklist and check sheet serve different functions for teams. A checklist is a series of business items team members can check off as discussed or completed. Alternatively, a check sheet is ideal for collecting data, often in the form of a table.

Get started right with a project kickoff checklist

Do you want to start or execute your project efficiently? A project kickoff checklist provides alignment, structure, and accountability for team members and task progress. Checklists ease project kickoffs with an organized list of discussion items that inform team members of their roles, responsibilities, and overarching project objectives. Whether it’s a small or complex project, a checklist is a valuable resource for promoting buy-in, continued collaboration, and task execution.

US President Abraham Lincoln said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first hour sharpening the axe.” Applied to project management, pre-kickoff planning and a granular project kickoff checklist can help teams avoid confusion and missteps.

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Sam Ingalls, PMP, CSM Avatar

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