Teamwork Introduces Useful New Features

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Teamwork Project Management app has some great new features which are designed to add value and create some amount of convenience for users. Along with enhanced features, the developers have included a new and useful integration with SupportBee while improving the existing integration with Quickbooks. 

Mobile Timer

Significant improvement has been made in the way users log time when using this app. The new timer is visible on every screen and users can therefore start the timer from anywhere in the app. This eliminates the need to be watching the clock and then going back to a specific screen to log the time. By simply tapping on the timer, a screen is opened which displays the timer. This can remain open while the user continues to work. At the end of the job, simply tap the upload button, enter some information if necessary and click “Save”.


Getting started with this new feature is very simple because the Options menu on both the Project and Task screens has a timer button which is used to start the timer. Additionally, a timer button is included in the time section on each Task screen. This time section also provides access data showing time that already been logged.

The new feature is already included in the latest iPhone update which is available at the App Store; however, it is undergoing additional testing before being released on Android.

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Quicker set-up for Quickbooks

To ensure that Teamwork works better with the most recent version of the Quickbooks accountancy app, the developers have redone the integration between both systems. While this requires users redo their Quickbooks connection set up, the process is quicker and this updated connection also allows the Teamwork team to easily and quickly make necessary adjustments as they go forward.

The process of integrating Quickbooks is very simple.

First, select the “Export Invoice” link after you’ve selected the concerned invoice from “Billing Section”.


Then, select the “Export to Quickbooks online” option and click “Export”. On the following screen, select the “Connect to Quickbooks” option.


After that, you will be asked to sign-in to Quickbooks by providing your login details. After entering the details and signing in, click “Authorize” to grant access to Teamwork.


This should close the window, and bring up the list of customers. Select the customer you want to export into the invoice and select the “Export” option. You will receive a confirmation after the invoice is created.

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SupportBee has joined Teamwork

The SupportyBee app is designed to assist teams in their effort to collaborate and deliver friendly service via the proper management of support emails. This very useful app has been integrated with Teamwork and existing users of the SupportBee app will find this integration to be very beneficial.

Other Teamwork users can also enjoy the benefits of the SupportBee app which include the creation of tasks based on emails from customers. Whether you choose to create a new task list or update an existing task list, this app will fill in the details of the task using the information provided in the email. A link is then provided with a SupportBee ticket to enable easy follow-up. It is literally the best of both worlds.

The integration was executed by SupportBee and therefore users are required to link the two apps by following some simple steps within the SupportBee app.

First, you need to login to SupportBee, navigate to the Admin section, select the Apps link at the bottom left, click on Project Management, and then select Teamwork.


From the following page, click on “Add to My SupportBee” button.


Once done, you need to select the API key from “Edit my details” option in Teamwork. Copy the API key and paste it into SupportBee.


Now, SupportBee has been completely integrated with Teamwork, and you can receive the benefits of this integration.

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Some Additional Enhancements

In Teamwork, companies are now sorted in alphabetical order while the files list has been paged to improve speed. Users can change company while editing projects and the time stamps on comments are more user-friendly. The text area on the creator screens has been enlarged and the support for custom domain names and long passwords has been greatly improved. These along with some other minor fixes will serve to increase the level of satisfaction experienced by all users. All recent updates on Teamwork can be found on their social media pages: Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

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